Inspiration Sunday: Twig Terrariums

Studio Visit: Twig Terrariums from Fab on Vimeo.

Following your passion is the most powerful and meaningful thing that anyone can be doing. When we are passionate about something, we are connected to a force greater than ourselves, we are present in the moment, and there is no true explanation for it, other than magic.

I love seeing people who are so exuberant and ecstatic about something they are producing that you can see it in their faces. The ladies at Twig Terrariums are a shining example of this. When you watch the video, you can’t help but smile. Their passion is infectious. Plus, their terrariums are just plain cool! What an awesome idea to create little worlds made out of moss?

I love the quote, “I think that there’s nothing more inspiring than the fact that we are benevolent creators of little worlds.”

P.S. Right now, you can buy them on on the cheap

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